La Limonada

La Limonada
La Limonada
Bullet holes act as a reminder to the inherant danger of living in La Limonada.

La Limonada
La Limonada
A proud grandmother holds her grandaughter in the alley with bullet holes in the wall behind her as reminders of the violence in her barrio.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Tita Evertsz established the Limonada and Mandarin schools to provide a spiritual safe haven, education, safe meals, hygiene, and scholarships to the children on La Limonada.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Limonada school children are given additional schooling from their public education.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are given additional schooling from their public education.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are given additional schooling from their public education.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are taught hygiene skills such as brushing their teeth.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are taught hygiene skills such as brushing their teeth.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are given additional schooling from their public education.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are given additional schooling from their public education.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are given additional schooling from their public education.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Inside the Mandarin school children are given additional schooling from their public education.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Valeria proudly holds up a drawing she drew for the children in Northfield, Minnesota.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Olivia proudly holds up a drawing she drew for the children in Northfield, Minnesota.

La Limonada
La Limonada
Mellin proudly holds up a drawing she drew for the children in Northfield, Minnesota.

La Limonada
La Limonada
As an elder neighbor of La Escuelita (The Little School), she has been witness to the violence, drug abuse and poverty within La Limonada.